Helping Your Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder


ISBN: 9781572243842
Availability : in stock

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Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by severe developmental impairments, including lowered social function and communication skills. Having a child with an ASD greatly stresses the emotional, financial, and social resources of the family. With this workbook, parents learn the latest and most effective ASD management techniques for their children, including the use of the …

Not available to Resellers

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by severe developmental impairments, including lowered social function and communication skills. Having a child with an ASD greatly stresses the emotional, financial, and social resources of the family.

With this workbook, parents learn the latest and most effective ASD management techniques for their children, including the use of the family enhancement treatment model designed by the authors-a program that provides step-by-step guidelines for ….

Size – 21cm X 28cm


Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 1 cm

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