Illustrated Maori Dictionary


Author: A.W. Reed
ISBN: 9781990042133
Availability : 1 in stock (can be backordered)

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This is a true classic: a Māori to English dictionary by the great A.W. Reed with two fine illustrations per page by Roger Hart. First published in 1965, the book used macronised vowels years before these became standard. This facsimile edition updates the text to give a more contemporary context to the headwords, meanings and …

1 in stock (can be backordered)

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This is a true classic: a Māori to English dictionary by the great A.W. Reed with two fine illustrations per page by Roger Hart. First published in 1965, the book used macronised vowels years before these became standard. This facsimile edition updates the text to give a more contemporary context to the headwords, meanings and derivations, but the retro feel remains.

Illustrations in B&W

Maori-English Essentials

Age Group





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