
J’aime Beaucoup Chanter en Français: 20 French Songs for Use in Primary Schools

$99.95 $74.95

ISBN: 9781783170920
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WAS $99.95 NOW $74.95 20 French Songs for Use in Primary Schools Singing songs is a fun way of helping children to develop an enthusiasm for French. The 20 songs in J’aime Beaucoup Chanter en Français! are set to familiar tunes, so you and the children can concentrate on the words, without having to learn new …

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WAS $99.95 NOW $74.95

20 French Songs for Use in Primary Schools

Singing songs is a fun way of helping children to develop an enthusiasm for French. The 20 songs in J’aime Beaucoup Chanter en Français! are set to familiar tunes, so you and the children can concentrate on the words, without having to learn new tunes.

The songs introduce and reinforce vocabulary for many frequently taught topics. Sing about different modes of transport to, appropriately enough, the tune of ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ or explore the contents of a pencil case to the tune of ‘Frère Jacques’.

The songs are ideal for use with children through all stages of their primary education but especially Key Stage 2.

The CD-Rom contains recordings of all the songs, sung by native French speakers, as well as music tracks to enable ‘karaoke’ performances and colour versions of the flashcards from the book.

The accompanying book contains words to all the songs, together with English translations, as well as attractive photocopiable flashcards to help children understand the content of the  songs.

Size – 210mm x 270mm


Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 30 × 30 × 1 cm

Age Group




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