**NEW** Bear about Town (Bilingual ed.)


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Discover lots of different shapes with Bear — there are triangles on the waves, Bear goes to town every day, and always has something to do! From the bakery, to the gym, to the toyshop, walk with Bear through the days of the week as he visits his favourite places in town. Explore Bear’s town …

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Discover lots of different shapes with Bear — there are triangles on the waves,

Bear goes to town every day, and always has something to do! From the bakery, to the gym, to the toyshop, walk with Bear through the days of the week as he visits his favourite places in town. Explore Bear’s town even more with a full map at the end. This bilingual addition to the beloved Bear series features delightful rhyming text to teach the days of the week

  • Develop early language skills
  • Learn about the days of the week

Bilingual English with Arabic, Bengali, Chinese Simplified, French, Haitian Creole, Navajo, Portuguese or Spanish

Age Group




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