We Love Growing Up in Africa (English & Swahili Bilingual)


ISBN: 9781735323121
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Isra & Naum enjoy traveling around the world & living in Africa! Come along as they live in Malawi, Liberia, Rwanda, and Uganda. They also had so much fun visiting Sierra Leone, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal to immerse in their native history & culture. Virtues presented include: adaptability, courage, & self-reliance. The Call It Super…because children’s collection …

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Isra & Naum enjoy traveling around the world & living in Africa! Come along as they live in Malawi, Liberia, Rwanda, and Uganda. They also had so much fun visiting Sierra Leone, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, and Senegal to immerse in their native history & culture. Virtues presented include: adaptability, courage, & self-reliance.

The Call It Super…because children’s collection has been developed for young citizens to appreciate the world and have confidence in who they are. Each journey is influenced by global childhood experiences. The stories share different virtues that will aid in the development of balanced, joyful, & open-minded beings.

Bilingual English with Swahili

Age Group





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