Hunting Aherre (Kangaroo)


Author: James, Margaret
ISBN: 9781925855197
Availability : 0 in stock (can be backordered)

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Two cousins and their uncle go tracking and hunting for kangaroo early one hot morning. Big cousin nervously shoots his first-ever kangaroo. Full of pride, they take it back to their camp, where their very proud great-grandparents teach the cousins how to prepare and cook it. The reader is taken through the traditional methods of …

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Two cousins and their uncle go tracking and hunting for kangaroo early one hot morning. Big cousin nervously shoots his first-ever kangaroo. Full of pride, they take it back to their camp, where their very proud great-grandparents teach the cousins how to prepare and cook it. The reader is taken through the traditional methods of catching and preparing the meat in detail – accompanied by colourful, humorous illustrations.

Size: A5 portrait

Age Group





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