Milly, Molly is a series of children’s books about the adventures of two little girls from different ethnic backgrounds. These books promote the acceptance of diversity and the learning of life skills. Exciting, poignant and funny, Milly, Molly celebrates difference, and promotes acceptance of diversity. Each book has a subtle message about values such as honesty, persistence and responsibility, as well as showing life skills like dealing with bullying, and forgiveness. Together Milly and Molly face the world and its complexities, but always manage to have fun.
This series includes 6 paperback books;
Milly, Molly and the Wind
Milly, Molly and the Mountain
Milly, Molly’s Monday
Milly, Molly and Sock Heaven
Milly, Molly and BB Brown
Milly, Molly and Alf
Languages: Chinese (Simplified)/English
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