The ABC’s of Affirmations is a collection of powerful A-Z affirmations intended to empower children to embrace their authentic selves and build their self-confidence. Through repetition, affirmations have the power to counter negative thoughts and low self-esteem and replace them with positive thinking. Therefore, this book will reinforce the positive self-image that we want our children to embrace. These affirmations will encourage children to pursue their dreams while learning new words and improving literacy.
Dhiirogelinta dhalaanka ee ABC-da waa buug isku keenaayo xaruufo xajmi leh oo ilmaheena ku dhiirogelinaayo inay aqbalaan cidda ay yahiin unana dhisaan kalsoonidooda. Kolkaad ilmaha aad ugu soo celceliso xaqiijintaa, waxay awood u yeelan doonaa in ay ka hortagaan fikradaha xun-xun ay iska aaminsanaan karaan iyo kalsooni daro. Sidaa darteed, buuggani waxa uu xoojinayaa muuqaal wanaagsanaanta oo aan ka rabno in caruurtayada qaataan. Weearaha xaqiijinta waxa ay caruurtu ku dhiirigelinaysaa inay raacaan riyooyinkooda iyagoo baranaya erayo cusub kolka ay kobcinayaan akhris-qoraalkooda.
Bilingual English with Somali
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